75 Review(s)

Job Spell

Get or protect your job or career.
Just a few examples of situations where the Vodou Job Spell can help:
  • You, like everyone else, could use some help in the competitive and volatile job market.
  • You are looking to stabilize or bolster a current position you hold.
  • You are looking to make a jump and you would like a bit of insurance.
The Vodou Job Spell can help in one of the following four ways:
Get a New Job / Change Careers: The Vodou Job Spell can help with every aspect of your job search, from making your resumé or application stand out from the others, to increasing your self-esteem and communication skills for the all-important interview. Although this Spell cannot give you skills you don't have or land you a job you don't qualify for, it could make you stand out from the crowd and give you a much better chance at that perfect position!
Protect Your Job: Is your company considering cutbacks? The Vodou Job Spell can showcase your value as an employee, and encourage the decision makers to spare you the axe. This Spell cannot reverse a decision already made, but when Cast as a preventative measure, it has been exceedingly successful at protecting our client's positions.
Get a Promotion or a Raise: Do you deserve a promotion, but keep getting passed over? Need a long-overdue raise? The Vodou Job Spell can help your boss see the light: you will appear even more valuable, and your request will be taken much more seriously.
Start / Grow / Save your Business: Are you a business owner, or do you want to be? This Spell is just the ticket! The Vodou Job Spell can help your business stand out from the crowd. People that are comparison shopping will be more likely to retain your services, and even your business name will be seen in a new light!
Whatever your need, this Spell can change your life!
Voodoo Job Spell

Your Price:$9